A Community Land Trust in the Skagit Valley since 1973

... and one of seven sister communities in Western Washington that comprise the Evergreen Land Trust

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ah, Fall Equinox, Bittersweet Friend

The last day of 2010 summer washed away here at Walker Creek. Rain, rain and - more rain. Our monthly Community Meeting rolls around at 7pm. We each trod in, heavy sodden steps - our boots, our souls. The weight of a thousand wet dark nights presses down on us. Warmed by the fire, the air lightens slightly after sharing a hot pan of cashew ginger fried rice and a bowl of sunshine-y organic peaches.

Fall is a time when the land at Walker Creek shines brightest - the greens at their most vibrant, the air at its most fresh. The dying copper salmon are on their return.

And still - we leave behind us a sweet summer - two celebrations on the land: Joe & Miyabi's wedding celebration, and the 2nd Annual 4th of July Wingding at the Sunshine House; neighboring Majawood's music fest; and each of us making more music and roadtrips and outdoor adventures -- Meltdown, Country Faire, Burning Man. Oregon. Idaho. Montana.

Adieu, long bright days of summer.

Hello, darkness, our old friend.