Joe calls. I answer the phone. Instead of starting with "Hi" I say, "Chickens in the green house!??!"
He has no idea what I'm talking about. He thinks I'm merely being weirdly obtusely random. I am not. There are, indeed, chickens in the greenhouse. And I figured everyone knew why they were there but me. Turns out Joe has no idea either, about why there'd be chickens in the greenhouse and who put them there.
But he has a pretty good guess. It goes along the lines of T. or M., borrowed chickens, maybe to eat bugs. Ding ding ding ding! That's right! Miyabi borrowed four chickens from our neighbor Lenda, how funny is that. Can I borrow a cup of sugar, no wait, four chickens for a few days?
Last year, these pesky little pill bugs invaded our greenhouse soil - and ate way too many of our beautiful plant starts. All growing season long. Let's hear it for chickens in the greenhouse. May they have eaten their fill of those little pills.
PS It might be much more effective to show a photo with chickens actually in it. Ah well. Here's a glimpse of our winter greenhouse, post-chicken-slumber-party-pill-bug-buffet fest. Nary a pill bug in sight, right?!