A Community Land Trust in the Skagit Valley since 1973

... and one of seven sister communities in Western Washington that comprise the Evergreen Land Trust

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Pattern Language of Natural Homes

These natural home concepts make me drool.
They are from A Pattern Language.

A Pattern Language, by Christopher Alexander, is a collection of 253 ideas that can make your living environment a pleasure. Mouse over the pictures to see which pattern the picture illustrates and click to see the picture on their facebook page to follow links to the house from where the picture came.

It will lead you to a paragraph, like this one: Pattern No.199, which is essential to my well being in the dark and gloomy kitchen of the Sunshine House (no pun intended).

Pattern No. 199: ‘Sunny Counter’. Dark and gloomy kitchens are depressing. The kitchen needs sunlight more than any other room. If you can, place the main part of the kitchen counter on the south side of the kitchen with a big wide window so that the sun can reach in to flood the kitchen with light. This is the kitchen at Deacon Vale Farm on Mayne Island, Canada which was built by Cob Works in 2005.

Looking for Leprechauns

Ken was clearing one of the areas in the back orchard after a major pruning push with Miyabi (hurray, blueberry bushes!) and uncovered this gorgeous moss mountain. He called the kids to come take a look.

The magic of Saint Patrick's day and tiny forest creatures takes hold.